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Big rental housing providers, car brands and dealerships will certainly see the benefit of promoting this overnight individual charging amongst housing operators.

There are limitations: available free own parking slots outdoors and in the garages controlled by the housing company. Electricity at parking will therefore always be in short supply. Not the energy itself because additional energy will be gained by photovoltaic, solar power through glas and paint in the future.

The first step is to select a suitable location for FINPILAR QUATTRO and have the electric plans overviewed. With just one cable ditch dug, the operation for 1+ three more to come has begun. The outdoor installations are mounted on 60 mm diameter poles, the indoor installations along the walls in the centre of two cars.

The EV `s, Electric Cars, are the leading technology, especially at one family housing. All charge alternatives can be used slow, medium and solar or a combination of them. It is a matter of owners choice and comfort. Now appartment cities can do the same, providing the landlord wants to serve its tenants.

The tenants with EV preferences will find their way to TIM-Buildings*.

Due to long winters, Finland has had all outdoor  parking  equipped with electricity since 1973 ,this goes  for garages as well. Cold engines guzzle fuel, but warm ones add safety and comfort plus save fuel. The problem was completely solved since 16A became the common installation standard. Engine as well as interior heaters are a must. Today in 2017 every one of those million and a half electric heating poles in the open air on housing grounds or indoor garages are being modified, one by one to meet the EV need.

German owned Schneider Electric plant at Ruukki Finland electrified all of their hundred daytime parking slots like most Finnish companies do for their factory workers.


Type 1 charging at 3.6 kWh with 16A fuses , 8 hours a night has a

capacity of 10.512 kWh per year, 365 days. 

An  e-Golf  at 12,7/ 100 km needs 2540 kWh for 20.000km, Tesla needs twice the amount.

Charging at night not only benefits the drivers comfort, but also the ecology and common good. The energy supply is spread geografically and even timely outside the main use peaks.

During  eMobility Graz Congresses many papers were presented using a historic quote. I feel free to share two of them.

” ...there will never be more than one million automobiles in the world since there are not enough drivers available”  

This market evaluation was made by Otto Daimler, MB

...”if I had asked what people want they would have answered faster horses”

This is said to have been Henry Ford.

” Electric cars are less expensive to build” 

Lars Thomsen , Future Matters in Graz 31.01.2013 approximately 16.00 O´Clock



We have a surplus of EV charging potential, electrically ready, just in need to upgrade the boxes one by one to meet the growing number of EV `s. At the same time the heating function can  remain for the motorized neighbour car while the new charging function and interior is warming for the EV car. Note: One box in the middle serves two cars. The QUATTRO model serves four cars.

This is the what we can call the Finnish Paradox: Electric parking slots in millions waiting for charging EV´s to come! 

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50 years of experience in electric motorblock heating updated to individual charging.

At parking places outdoors or in the parking garage.

Born 1935, Kallion Yhteiskoulu yo 1953, Helsinki School of Economics Air Force Pilot Academy (LntUK 22)

1954-1955 Autopuomi Dealership, founder.

Bombardier Ski-Doo opened markets Finland, Sweden, Canada Mtl, Ont . Barrie Europe

Vienna Lohnerwerke-Bombardier-Rotax-

EURORAIL Bruxelles

Grand Banks Yachts imports,

Housing Management in Helsinki

Sports: Players World 1967 Montreal, initiated and gain first Finnish Championship In Snowmobiles 1969, Rally of The Thousand Lakes 1961, Special class

Eelläkävijä E-bikes and EV cars 190 articles.. 

about me

Pauli Ahvonen

Rantatie 30 | FIN–07900 LOVIISA

gsm +358 400 446 797

Our family had its first car Nash 1927.  Thus a strong automotive background. My first one was cranked by hand. In 1969-–1975 my seat was at Lohnerwerke in Vienna. An earlier occupant was Ferdinand Porsche. The picture of his 1907 electric car Lizzy was an important motivation when I bought my first Panasonic Power Bike in 1999 in Graz. Ever since 8 important conferences 2009–2015 finally in 2013 I was convinced that EV´s will be less expensive to build and the omitted hardware corresponds well with battery weight. Now we have learned that kilowat prices have fallen and the specific weight of batteries have improved. 

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Langsame Ladung: 8 Stunden in der Nacht mit 3,6 kW ergibt 10514 kWh pro Jahr.

Damit fährt ein Tesla 40.000 Kilometer. Allein mit dieser langsamen Ladung – ohne Supercharger.

Ein e-Golf fährt täglich 100 km und braucht 12,7 kWh Ersatzenergie für den nächsten Tag.

Diese Energie bekommt der e-Golf in 3,78 Stunden – zum Beispiel während der Fahrer schläft.

Bei 20.000 km/pro Jahr ist der Gesamtbedarf 2540 kWh, aber das Potential wie oben angegeben

10.502 kWh.  Bei längere Fahrten ladet man unterwegs.



Die Energiezufuhr hat sich während meines Lebens dramatisch verändert. Vom Pferd und Traktor bis Windkraft und Photovoltaik. Die Elektroindustrie hat über hundert Jahre hinter sich, die neue Ära von EV´s nur ein Jahrzehntel. Die Weiterentwicklung schreitet fort und ist nicht zu stoppen – und eine wichtige Komponente der Weiterentwicklung ist das Laden an Ladesäulen mit 3,6 kW – zum Beispiel nachtsüber wenn der Fahrer schläft.



Langsam – weil es oft zu Hause keinen Bedarf für schnelles Laden gibt. Jeder Stellplatz am Hof oder in der Garage ist mit einer Elektroverkabelung versehbar. Das ist die einzige Bedingung um eine Ladesäule anzurichten.

• Wenn Parkplätze vorhanden sind, ruft man seinen Elektroplaner an.

• Wenn einer mal anfängt, folgen weitere. Deswegen ist Finpilar QUATTRO ideal. Mit einem Kabelzugang ist die Säule für drei weitere Elektroautos bereit.

• Gute Planung der Ladesäulen im Voraus lohnt sich. Es gibt Einzelmodelle für enge Plätze, Paarmodelle für zwei EV´s nebenan, und QUATTRO´s für 4 Fahrzeuge, 2+2  gegeneinander.


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In der Produktion werden weltweit anerkannte deutsche Komponenten verwendet.



Günther Brauner, TUV Wien Energiesysteme: regenerativ und dezentral,

Springer Verlag.

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